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Dental Implants

Dental implants Fairfield 

The term dental implant signifies a replacement for the root of teeth that may be missing in your mouth. It acts as the foundation on which a dentist places the crown, which is also referred to as a cap.


At Optim Dental, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional dental implant treatment in Fairfield. Our team of experienced implant dentists will help you restore your smile and regain your confidence. Focusing on personalised care, we take the time to understand your needs. It helps us to develop a customised treatment plan that suits you best. 


We use the latest advancements in implant dentistry to ensure precise placement and optimal aesthetics for your dental implants. Our state-of-the-art facility has advanced technology. It allows us to deliver efficient and comfortable treatment experiences.


From consultation to the final restoration, we guide you through every step of the process, ensuring your comfort and satisfaction. At Optim Dental, we believe everyone deserves a healthy and beautiful smile, and we provide you with the highest standard of care in dental implant treatment. 


Visit us today and experience the difference between our compassionate and comprehensive approach to dental implants.

Dental Implants Fairfield
professional dental implants dentist

Who Needs Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a suitable option for individuals with one or more missing teeth and who desire a long-term, durable solution for tooth replacement. The following groups of people may benefit from dental implants:


  • Individuals with missing teeth: Dental implants are used to replace single or multiple missing teeth. No matter whether you have lost your tooth due to injury, decay, gum disease, or other reasons.


  • Those with deteriorated teeth: If you have severely damaged or decayed teeth that cannot be salvaged with other dental treatments like fillings, crowns, or root canals, dental implants may be a viable option.


  • Denture wearers: People who wear dentures may find dental implants beneficial for stabilising loose or ill-fitting dentures. Implants can be used to anchor and support dentures, enhancing their stability and functionality.

  • Those with bone loss: Dental implants can help individuals with significant jawbone loss. In some cases, bone grafting may be necessary to augment the jawbone and create a suitable foundation for implant placement.


  • Individuals seeking a permanent solution: Unlike other tooth replacement options like dental bridges or dentures, dental implants are designed to be a long-term, permanent solution. With care and maintenance, implants can last for many years.


  • Those concerned about appearance and function: Dental implants closely mimic natural teeth' look, feel, and function. They provide excellent aesthetics, improve speech, restore biting and chewing ability, and help maintain facial structure.


Factors such as overall health, oral health, jawbone density, and personal circumstances should be evaluated by a dentist to know if dental implants suit an individual. You can consult our dentist to assess your situation and discuss the most appropriate treatment options.

Fairfield Dental Implants
missing teeth

What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

Dental implants offer benefits compared to other tooth replacement options. Some of the advantages include:​​


  • Improved appearance: Dental implants closely resemble natural teeth, providing a natural and aesthetically pleasing result. They blend seamlessly with your existing teeth, enhancing your smile and overall facial appearance.


  • Enhanced comfort: Implants become a permanent part of your mouth, eliminating the discomfort and inconvenience of removable dentures. They are custom-made and tailored to fit your mouth, ensuring a comfortable and secure fit.


  • Restored functionality: Dental implants function like natural teeth, allowing you to eat, speak, and chew with confidence. Unlike dentures, which may slip or shift during these activities, implants provide stability and restore the full functionality of your teeth.


  • Improved oral health: Dental implants do not require altering or reducing adjacent teeth, as is necessary with dental bridges. This preservation of neighbouring teeth helps maintain their natural strength and integrity. 

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  • Long-term durability: Dental implants can last a lifetime with proper care and maintenance. They are made from biocompatible materials, such as titanium, which fuse with the jawbone, providing a stable and long-lasting foundation for the replacement teeth.


  • Bone preservation: When a tooth is lost, the underlying jawbone may start to deteriorate over time. Dental implants mimic the stimulation provided by natural tooth roots, helping to preserve the jawbone's integrity and preventing bone loss.


  • Improved speech: Missing teeth or ill-fitting dentures can affect speech clarity. Dental implants restore proper speech patterns by replacing missing teeth and allowing you to articulate words easily.


  • Convenience and maintenance: Dental implants eliminate the need for special adhesives or removal for cleaning, as required with dentures. You can maintain them like natural teeth through regular brushing, flossing, and professional dental check-ups.


It's vital to note that the benefits of dental implants may vary depending on each individual's specific circumstances. You can consult our dental professional for a thorough oral health assessment.

Benefits of Dental Implants
Dental Implant Procedure

Dental Implant Procedure

At Optim Dental, we follow a streamlined dental implant procedure to ensure optimal results for our patients: 


1. Consultation and Treatment Planning


The first step is an initial consultation, where you will meet with our dental professional. We will thoroughly assess your oral health, discuss your treatment goals, and take any necessary X-rays or 3D scans to evaluate your jawbone and dental structure. Based on this assessment, our dentist will develop a personalised treatment plan to fit your needs and goals. We will explain the procedure, answer your questions, and offer an overview of the expected timeline and costs.​

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2. Implant Placement


Once the treatment plan is finalised, the next step is the surgical placement of the dental implants. The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia or sedation to ensure your comfort. Our dentist will make a small incision in the gum tissue to access the jawbone and carefully place the titanium implant into the prepared site. The implant acts as an artificial tooth root and is designed to fuse with the jawbone through a process called osseointegration. Sometimes, a temporary restoration may be placed over the implant during healing.

Dental Implants in Sydney
Comprehensive Implants Treatment

3. Restoration Placement


After a period of healing and osseointegration, the final step is the placement of the dental restoration. It involves attaching an abutment to the implant, which serves as a connector between the implant and the restoration. The abutment is then covered with a custom-made dental crown, bridge, or denture that matches your original teeth' size, shape, and colour. The restoration is securely fixed, providing a functional and aesthetically pleasing result.


Our team of experienced professionals utilises advanced techniques and technology throughout each step of the procedure. It ensures precise implant placement, optimal healing, and superior aesthetics. We also provide thorough aftercare instructions and schedule regular follow-up appointments to monitor your progress. It will ensure the long-term success of your dental implants.

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Why Choose Our Dental Implants in Sydney?

Optim Dental's Dental Implants service in Sydney offers several compelling reasons why you might consider choosing them:


  • Expertise and Experience: Optim Dental has a team of highly skilled dental professionals who specialise in dental implant procedures. We have the knowledge and expertise to provide quality dental implant treatments.


  • Comprehensive Treatment Options: We offer various dental implant solutions tailored to meet individual needs. Whether you require a single tooth replacement or full-mouth restoration, we can provide appropriate treatment options.


  • Advanced Technology: We utilise advanced dental technology and equipment to ensure precise and effective dental implant placement. It includes 3D imaging, computer-guided implant placement, and other modern techniques that enhance accuracy and outcomes.​

Affordable Dental Implants in Sydney
Single Mouth Dental Implants
  • Patient-Cantered Approach: The team at Optim Dental is committed to providing personalised care and attention to each patient. We take the time to understand your unique dental needs and goals, addressing any concerns and ensuring your comfort throughout treatment.


  • High-Quality Materials: We use high-quality dental implant materials designed to be durable, long-lasting, and biocompatible. It ensures the longevity and success of your dental implant restoration.


  • Affordable Pricing: We provide competitive pricing options without compromising the quality of care. 


  • Same Day Dental Implants: We provide same-day dental implants to make our patients receive fully functional teeth on the same day as the implant surgery.


Remember, when considering any dental treatment, you must schedule a consultation with the dental provider to discuss your specific needs and evaluate if their services align with your requirements. Optim Dental can be your best dental implant in Sydney. Contact us to find out more.

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Affordable Dental Implants in Sydney

Optim Dental is a reliable dental practice that offers affordable dental implant treatment options. We provide quality dental care at competitive prices. Because we aim to make dental implants accessible to a wide range of patients, we understand that dental implants are a significant investment in oral health. So we focus on providing cost-effective solutions without compromising the quality of care.


Our dental implant cost in Sydney is determined on a case-by-case basis. We consider individual needs and treatment requirements. Our team works closely with patients to create personalised treatment plans. It allows us to address your specific concerns while considering your budgetary constraints. 


Full Mouth Dental Implants
dental implants sydney

At our practice, we believe in transparent pricing and strive to provide accurate and comprehensive cost estimates upfront. It allows you to clearly understand the financial aspect of your dental implant treatment.


We prioritise your comfort and satisfaction, aiming to achieve optimal functional and aesthetic outcomes with every dental implant procedure.


It's important to note that affordability is a significant consideration. But the decision to undergo dental implant treatment should also be based on the overall quality of care, the dental professionals' expertise, and the dental practice's reputation. Thus, you can schedule a consultation with Optim Dental to discuss their needs. It will allow you to explore our treatment options and obtain accurate cost estimates for affordable dental implants cost in Sydney.

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Single and Full Mouth Dental Implants

We provide both single and full mouth dental implants based on your requirements.    


  • Single Dental Implants


Single tooth dental implants are used to replace a single missing tooth. The procedure involves the placement of an implant post into the jawbone, which serves as a replacement for the natural tooth root. After healing and osseointegration, an abutment is attached to the implant, and a custom-made dental crown is placed over the abutment. The dental crown is designed to match the colour, shape, and size of the surrounding natural teeth, providing a seamless and functional restoration.

dental implants cost sydney
best dental implants sydney
  • Full Mouth Dental Implants


Full mouth dental implants, also known as full-arch dental implants or implant-supported dentures, replace a full arch or both arches of missing teeth. This procedure suits individuals who have lost their teeth and desire a more permanent and stable solution than traditional dentures. The number of implants required may vary depending on the specific case, but four to six implants per arch are typically used. Once the implants are placed, and osseointegration occurs, a custom-made full-arch dental prosthesis is attached to the implants, providing a complete set of teeth that are securely fixed. This solution offers improved stability, function, and aesthetics compared to traditional dentures.


Single and full-mouth dental implants can significantly enhance oral function, improve appearance, and boost self-confidence. The specific treatment plan will depend on factors such as the patient's oral health, bone density, and personal preferences. It's essential to consult with a dental professional to determine the most suitable option for your specific needs.

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Visit Us and Get The Proper Guidance!

Please contact us if you want the best guidance regarding the right solution for your dental implant requirements in Fairfield Heights and Wetherill Park. You can call us at 02 9726 6262 or d email us at Our clinic at Shop 2&3, 376 The Horsley Drive, Fairfield, 2165, stays open every day of the week. On Mondays to Fridays, we stay open from 9 am to 7 pm, and on the weekends, we operate till 3 pm. You can also get in touch with us on our Instagram and Facebook pages. 

best dental implants fairfield


Our Address

Shop 2 & 3, 376 Horsley Drive,

Fairfield NSW 2165

Tel: 02 9726 6262

Opening Hours

NB Please call to confirm your appointment

Getting Here

A moments walk from the Smart Street shopping area

Five minutes walk from Fairfield Station

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