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Our Combination Saunas

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Dual Heating System​

Our Combination Saunas come with a traditional stone heater and Low EMF Infrared Heaters. You can choose to run either heating system by itself or run them at the same time (the Infrared will turn off at 150F).

Great For Families​

You don’t have to compromise over what heating system to get, just get both. Our combination models are popular with couples who prefer different sauna experiences. 

Customizable Experience

Want a very hot sauna session? Great, use the traditional heater. Want a relaxing session focused on maximizing sweat? Use the infrared. Want to heat your sauna up faster for an infrared session? Turn both heaters on to speed up the heating. 

Combination Saunas

One Person Combination Sauna

  • 240V, 30 Amp Traditional Heater (Electrician Required)
  • 120V, Dedicated 15 Amp Infrared Heaters
  • Exterior: 47 In. Width / 43 In. Depth / 75 In. Height
  • Interior: 43 In. Width / 39 In. Depth / 75 In. Height
  • Easy 2 Person Assembly
  • 240V, 30 Amp Traditional Heater (Electrician Required)
  • 120V, Dedicated 20 Amp Infrared Heaters
  • Exterior: 59 in. Width / 43 in. Depth / 75 in. Height
  • Interior: 55 in. Width / 39 in. Depth / 75 in. Height
  • Easy 2 person assembly
2 Person Combination Sauna

Customizable Experience

The temperature can be precisely controlled in a combination sauna. Users can adjust the infrared heat and the traditional heat sources separately, tailoring the sauna experience for different users.

Heat Distribution

The traditional stone heater heats the air, while the infrared panels directly heat the body. This combination provides the user with the ability to choose how they want to experience the sauna. 

Benefits Of Infrared

Infrared heating is known for its health benefits, including deeper muscle relaxation and improved circulation. Including it in combination saunas adds a therapeutic dimension to the traditional heat sauna.

If you need a larger or custom built sauna you can contact us


Our combination saunas come with infrared heaters and a traditional stone heater, while infrared saunas only come with infrared heaters. The traditional stone heater requires an electrician to install the 240V hookup, while the infrared heaters will plug straight into a 120V 15 Amp outlet. Traditional heaters will heat up the combination sauna to 185F+ while infrared saunas will only heat to 150F.

Absolutely! Our combination saunas allow you to enjoy the best of both worlds. You can adjust the settings to switch between traditional and infrared heat, allowing for a personalized sauna experience tailored to your preferences and wellness goals.

Yes, Heavenly Heat Combination Saunas are designed for residential use in the home.

Yes, our combination saunas are designed for easy installation in residential homes.

Yes, all of our combination saunas come with a comprehensive warranty to provide you with peace of mind. Our warranty covers the sauna for 10 years and heaters for 6 years.

No, it is not recommended to pour water on the rocks to produce steam in a combination sauna. The infrared heaters are not supposed to be in such a high humidity environment.

There should be a minimum of two inches between the sauna and any walls or ceiling in the home. You do not need to install extra fans or ventilation.

If you need a larger or custom built sauna you can fill out this form.


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