Hero Tec Gate Repair is fully certified and insured to guarantee that you always get the best of the best.
Our expert mobile technicians are fully equipped with parts to ensure same-day service when your gate is acting up.
We build trust with our clients, so we provide a 1-year warranty on all parts and labor.
Installing an automated driveway gate or access gate is a great way to improve the aesthetic appeal, safety, and value of any residential, commercial, or public property. Make an excellent first impression with a driveway gate that is both aesthetically pleasing and convenient.
If you need your electric gate fixed, look no further than our team of dedicated engineers. If your gate’s mechanisms, motor, or structure are broken, you can count on us to fix them.
Our in-house design and fabrication teams can adjust the look of your gate to match your preferences. You can use anything, from your family crest to a favorite picture to your company’s emblem to a doodle you made on a napkin. Our Los Angeles-based gate designers make it simple to realize your dream of a custom-made front gate.
If you’re looking for a gate company, look no further than Herotec. We provide efficient services, warranties that will blow your mind, unbeatable pricing, and no-obligation estimates. Sliding Gate Installation, Wrought Iron Fence Services, Aluminum Fence Services, Sliding Gate Repair, Ornamental Iron Fence Services, Swing Gate Repair, and Electric Swing Gate Repair are just some of the many services we offer. Gate maintenance, repairs, and replacements are only the tip of the iceberg regarding our extensive list of offerings.
Herotec is a fully licensed and highly experienced company that specializes in the installation and maintenance of gates and fences. Electric gates are a specialty of ours, and we have extensive experience installing them both residential and commercial.
Gate stuck open? Remote doesn’t work? Gate is not opening?
Just call whenever you need professional assistance with your automated gate, and we’ll send one of our trained, experienced gate technicians to help you out. We offer individualized solutions to all of your gate concerns.
We understand how important it is for our customers to have access to after-sale service and maintenance for their electric gate. We can do both emergency repairs on residential and commercial electric gates and routine maintenance thanks to our extensive expertise in automatic gate repairs.
Our expertise and skill shine through in the sturdy construction and meticulous attention to detail that go into each of our gate systems, from standard security and privacy gates to top-tier security solutions. Unlike other companies, Herotec does not offer cookie-cutter or off-the-shelf answers. The fabrication and installation of your iron fence or gate are handled with the utmost care. The entire process of designing, installing, and maintaining a dependable entry gate will be simplified by the professional courtesy and expertise of the gate specialists you work with.
Without outside help, our skilled staff will complete the entire project using only in-house resources.
To guarantee that your automatic gate gives you the comfort you seek, we exclusively use premium components and materials.
We know all there is to know about electric gate automation, so you’ll have everything you need to keep your gate in working order.
In your estimate, we will detail everything you may expect to receive from us.
All parts and labor for our automated gate service are guaranteed for one year. For those times when you need help, we’re here for you around the clock.
All parts and labor for our automated gate service are guaranteed for one year. For those times when you need help, we’re here for you around the clock.
Our electric gate repair and installation services are holistic and thorough
Our Santa Monica based electric gate repair specialists will visit your property, inspect the gate, and give you an honest assessment of whether or not it is cost-effective to repair the electric gate. No matter the damage to an electric gate setup, we can fix it because our service vans are stocked with industry-standard replacement parts.
Our team provides non-disruptive work
We understand the hassle that a broken electric gate could cause. Our team will always try to minimize any disruptions caused by our work. If we cannot secure your door during our initial visit, we will work to have it done as soon as possible.
Transparent, Up Front Pricing Without Surprises
10+ Years of Experience
We Offer a Satisfaction Guarantee on All Work
Free estimates, full Gate Inspection and clear straightforward pricing
If you’re looking for a gate company, look no further than Herotec. We provide efficient services, warranties that will blow your mind, unbeatable pricing, and no-obligation estimates.
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