1-on-1 tutoring & group sessions that get you to the next level.

For all the help you need with homework, assignments and college applications. We are here to help you and offer now for a limited time a free consultation.

Why Choose Ignis Vitae

Portland Tuition


We are located in Portland, Maine. We can provide 1-on-1 tutoring sessions and online sessions.

Tutoring platform Porland ME

Expert Instructors

We have specialists in various subjects. Our professionals have experience or work currently in education.

Personalized education for students


We approach each student in an unique way. We believe that you are unique and should have personalized help.

fun tutoring classes Portland


At Ignis Vitae we believe that fun elements during the sessions improve the learnings of our students.

About Ignis Vitae

Ignis Vitae is a team of educators and professionals working together to provide customized, one-on-one learning experiences. Our approach is tailored to meet the unique needs and learning styles of each student.

We teach you the skills that will help you to overcome challenges you are facing in school. These skills include organization, time-management, critical thinking and research skills. As we learn you to master these skills, stress decreases and confidence in their own abilities increases.

In the end, at Ignis Vitae we believe that becoming the best version of yourself does not only come from the students themselves, but from the teachers who encourage them.

Tutor services and test preparations
test preparations Portland


Ignis Vitae’s Work Speaks For Itself.
But You Don’t Have To Take Our Word For It…

Get Ready To Take Control Of Your Education, And Your Future

Ignis Vitae Educational Services

Individualized, one-on-one tutoring and college planning services in Portland. Available virtually, as well as in-person

Tutor Services

college prep and counseling

College Prep

Homework help Portland

Homework Help

test preperations

Test Preparations

Free Consultation And First Hour Of Educational Services.

Attain Your Next Great Achievement With Ignis Vitae

  • Facing challenges with school?

  • Or are you ready to take the next step and go to college?

We know that attaining your goals in education is not always straightforward. Using our expertise we help you overcome challenges with your homework, tests and college preparations. Ignis Vitae offers 1-on-1 tutoring sessions in Portland, Maine tailored to your needs where we help you to overcome your challenges and build on your strengths to achieve your new successes.

Ignis Vitae educational services
Ignis Vitae tutor services

Let’s Talk!

For a limited time your first consultation is free.