Our Mission


  • Quality

    Provide premium quality products grown on USDA certified farms and manufactured at FDA registered facilities.

  • Empowerment

    Empower you in developing healthy habits and skills by providing education, experiences, and services based on ancient Yogic wisdom and modern research.

  • Commitment

    Commitment to provide resources at an affordable price so it can be available to everyone.

  • Ethics

    Incorporate the highest ethical standards in all our procurements, services, and customer satisfaction.

  • Environmental Responsibilities

    We respect the community, social and environmental policies, support clean, green environment movement and always source the products of sustainable farming with fair trade practices.

Iyasa Holistics

Iyasa Holistics

A Step Closer To Your Wholeness

Iyasa Holistics is a passion to empower our customers to develop new healthy habits and skills for living their healthiest and happiest life using the ancient wisdom and modern research. We strive to empower our customers towards integrative well-being by blending the ancient wisdom of Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda and Scriptures with modern science and philosophy.

What Customers Say..