• Your Local Locksmith

    Protect your home, loved ones and business with J365 locks - the trusted name for entry and access problems or the installation of durable locking solutions.
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    Your Local Locksmith

    Protect your home, loved ones and business with J365 locks - the trusted name for entry and access problems or the installation of durable locking solutions.
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Swiftly regain access or safeguard your property against unauthorised entry

Swiftly regain access or safeguard your property against unauthorised entry

Looking for a locksmith who can provide comprehensive security solutions for your home or business? Look no further than our expert locksmith services. With years of experience in the industry, we have the knowledge and tools to unlock all types of doors and safes, allowing you to regain access quickly and efficiently.

But that's not all - we also specialize in protecting homes and businesses with a wide range of lock and door locking mechanisms. Whether you need a new lock installed or want to upgrade your existing door security systems, we have you covered. Our team of skilled locksmiths is dedicated to providing personalized service and finding the best security solutions to meet your unique needs.

So if you're looking for a reliable locksmith who can do it all, from unlocking doors and safes to providing top-notch security solutions, give us a call today. We're here to help keep your home or business safe and secure.

Looking for a locksmith who can provide comprehensive security solutions for your home or business? Look no further than our expert locksmith services. With years of experience in the industry, we have the knowledge and tools to unlock all types of doors and safes, allowing you to regain access quickly and efficiently.

But that's not all - we also specialize in protecting homes and businesses with a wide range of lock and door locking mechanisms. Whether you need a new lock installed or want to upgrade your existing door security systems, we have you covered. Our team of skilled locksmiths is dedicated to providing personalized service and finding the best security solutions to meet your unique needs.

So if you're looking for a reliable locksmith who can do it all, from unlocking doors and safes to providing top-notch security solutions, give us a call today. We're here to help keep your home or business safe and secure.

We are your Trusted Locksmiths

  • Emergency lockout assistance for homes and businesses

  • Lock Repair, installation and Replacement 
  • Break-in response
  • Master Key System Installation and Maintenance 
  • Mortice Locks
  • Safe Openings
  • Padlocks
Let's Talk

We are your 
Trusted Locksmiths

Emergency lockout assistance for homes and businesses

Lock Repair, installation and Replacement 

Break-in response

Master Key System Installation and Maintenance

Mortice Locks

Safe Openings


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    Hassle Free Entry For You...
    Mission Impossible For EVERYONE ELSE!

    Hassle Free Entry For You...
    Mission Impossible For EVERYONE ELSE!

    Feeling Uncomfortable?

    Don't let a locked door make you feel like a criminal! With our locksmith services, you can avoid the awkward explanations to the police and rest easy knowing you're in good hands. No stress, no fuss - we'll take care of it all and make sure you feel comfortable again.

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    Feeling Uncomfortable?

    Don't let a locked door make you feel like a criminal! With our locksmith services, you can avoid the awkward explanations to the police and rest easy knowing you're in good hands. No stress, no fuss - we'll take care of it all and make sure you feel comfortable again.

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    Let's Keep Them OUT

    Advanced Door Security - What Types are locks are there?

    There are various advanced door security locks available in the market that provide a high level of protection against unauthorized access. Below are some examples:

    1. Deadbolts: Deadbolts are a popular type of lock used as a secondary lock on a door. They use a bolt that extends into the door frame, providing extra security against forced entry. Some deadbolts also have an "anti-drill" feature that makes it difficult to drill through the lock. They come in two main types:
    2. Single-cylinder deadbolts: The most common type of deadbolt, featuring a key cylinder on the exterior side of the door and a thumb turn on the interior side. Single-cylinder deadbolts are easy to install and provide a high level of security.
    3. Double-cylinder deadbolts: Similar to single-cylinder deadbolts, but requiring a key on both the exterior and interior side of the door. While providing an extra level of security, this type of deadbolt can be a safety hazard in the event of an emergency.
    4. Mortise locks: Mortise locks are typically used on commercial doors and feature a mortise, a cavity cut into the door, that the lock fits into. They are highly secure and durable, and come in two main types:
    5. Cylinder mortise locks: Featuring a cylinder on the exterior side of the door that is used to lock and unlock the door. This type of mortise lock is easy to install and provides a high level of security.
    6. Deadbolt mortise locks: Featuring a deadbolt on the interior side of the door that is operated by a thumb turn. This type of mortise lock is highly secure and is typically used on double doors.
    7. Combination locks: Combination locks require a code to unlock the door and are often used in high-security areas such as banks or government buildings. Some combination locks also come with a feature that automatically locks the door after a certain amount of time.
    8. Cam locks: Cam locks are often used in cabinets, drawers, and mailboxes. They feature a simple locking mechanism that uses a key to operate.
    9. Euro cylinder locks: Euro cylinder locks are commonly used here in the UK and Europe and feature a cylinder that is inserted into the door. They come in various sizes and can be used in both residential and commercial settings.

    In conclusion, there are various types of door locks available on the market that cater to different security needs. It's important to choose a lock that provides the level of security required for the particular door and its usage. If you would benefit from consultation on the best type of lock for a particular door or area of your home, speak to one of our friendly team.

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    The Keys To Your Home
    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the most secure type of door lock?

    Deadbolts are generally considered to be the most secure type of door lock due to their strength and durability.

    Can I install a deadbolt on my own?

    Yes, it is possible to install a deadbolt on your own, but it is recommended to hire a professional locksmith to ensure that it is installed correctly.

    Is it better to use a single-cylinder or double-cylinder deadbolt?

    It depends on your personal preference and level of security needed. Single-cylinder deadbolts are more common and easier to use, while double-cylinder deadbolts provide an extra level of security but can also be a safety hazard in the event of an emergency.

    Are combination locks more secure than key locks?

    Combination locks are generally considered to be more secure than key locks because they require a code to unlock the door, making it more difficult for someone to pick the lock or use a duplicate key.

    Can I use a mortise lock on a residential door?

    Yes, it is possible to use a mortise lock on a residential door, but they are more commonly used on commercial doors. It is recommended to consult with a professional locksmith to determine the best type of lock for your specific needs.

    Can I install a new lock myself?

     Installing a new lock can be a DIY project if you have the necessary tools and skills. However, it's recommended to hire a professional locksmith to ensure that the lock is installed correctly and provides the level of security you need.

    How can I prevent lock bumping?
    Lock bumping is a technique used by burglars to open a lock using a special key. You can prevent lock bumping by installing a high-security lock or a lock with a bump-resistant mechanism. You can also use a deadbolt with a reinforced strike plate, which makes it more difficult for a burglar to kick in the door.
    How do I maintain my door lock?

    To maintain your door lock, you should regularly clean the lock mechanism with a dry cloth or a small brush. You should also lubricate the lock with a graphite or silicone-based lubricant to ensure smooth operation. If the lock is not functioning properly or has signs of wear and tear, you should replace it with a new one.

    How do I choose the right lock for my door?

    To choose the right lock for your door, you should consider the level of security you need, the type of door you have, and your budget. You can consult with a professional locksmith or a security expert to get recommendations based on your specific needs. It's also important to choose a lock that is certified by a recognized security organisation.

    The British Standards Institute Approved Locks

    The BSI (British Standards Institute) has established the BS3621 lock standard to ensure that locks are tamper-resistant, thief-resistant, and durable. Generally, British Standard Approved locks are installed on exterior front or back doors of a home.

    You can find more information here