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Certified SELF-awareness coach | SELF-mastery coach | Rapid Resolution Therapy™ Facilitator | Creator of the Spiritually S.M.A.R.T.E.R.™ Path

Journey Within: Cultivating Spiritual Smarts in Midlife

Meet Josee

Heart Decoder™ | Speaker | Self-Love & Wellness Retreat Leader

"On my journey of self-discovery, I embarked on a quest to find the missing piece of my life puzzle – self-love. As I delved into the depths of my being, I learned to embrace my flaws and celebrate my strengths. I realized that the "worth" I was feeling wasn't something I was born with but rather, taught. As I cultivated a deeper sense of self-acceptance, I reignited my heart's desires and let it guide me toward living my best life and finding inner peace.


Little did I know that this transformation would pave the way for a love story and a successful career beyond my wildest dreams."- Josee


The owner of the multi-award-winning wellness studio Palmetto Yoga & Wellness Oasis ( in Columbia, South Carolina, Josee has served hundreds of clients as a wellness advocate, certified Self-love coach, Reiki master, and yoga teacher. Her current work as a Heart Decoder™, an empowerment speaker, and a life path catalyst allows her to bring her message and her gifts to a global audience. Her work has been recently compared to Wayne Dyer meets Abraham Hicks. Josee helps others develop a deep sense of self-worth and love through transformative teaching methods more aligned with their spiritual self.


Her holistic and truthful approach through inspiring stories, anecdotes, and personal insights brings her audience and clients clarity, direction, and positive support – guiding them beyond who they think they are and what they can accomplish.


Josee is the creator of the Spiritually S.M.A.R.T.E.R.™Self-love Path, a six-step experience guiding individuals by tapping into their hearts, becoming the person they were meant to be, and creating magnificence in their lives.

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 Josee Madison website logo Love after forty Self-love Relationship coach
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-SallyAnn, Ph.D, CCC-SLP

"Josee challenges old ways of thinking and patterns of behavior while being compassionate at the same time." 

-SallyAnn, Ph.D, CCC-SLP

- Jeannie C.

"I cannot express enough how my Reiki treatments and personal coaching from Josee created such a great foundation for my success. I would not have wanted to do it without her guidance. You owe it to yourself to include her in your everyday journey. Thank you, Josee!"

- Jeannie C.

- Isabel D.

Josee pushed me in all the right ways. I took a deep inventory of myself and my priorities. Josee taught me that we create our own happiness. With her help, I saw clearly for the first time in years what I needed to do to create my best life experience.

- Isabel D.

Hypnosis Follow your heart Heart decoder

"When Your Mind and Your Heart Are Aligned, Everything Is Possible."

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