Contact us

    Our team of experts are here to help.

    General enquiries

    If calling from overseas +64 9 921 4700
    Call hours: Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm

    Feedback and Complaints

    Whether you wish to provide us with feedback or make a complaint, it’s important we hear about your Milford experience so we can continue to improve our client service. Click here to view our complaint process or click here to email us your feedback.


    When it comes to achieving your investment goals, Milford’s locally based, globally experienced investment team gives you direct access to international opportunities. We have offices throughout New Zealand and Australia.

    Our office hours: Mon – Fri: 8.30am to 5pm.

    Auckland Office

    Physical address

    Level 12, 50 Albert Street,
    Auckland 1010

    Postal address

    PO Box 960, Shortland Street,
    Auckland 1140


    09 921 4700

    Cambridge Office

    Physical address

    G02/86 Alpha St,
    Cambridge 3434

    Postal address

    G02/86 Alpha St,
    Cambridge 3434


    07 981 4040

    Tauranga Office

    Physical address

    Level 2, 35 Grey Street,
    Tauranga 3110

    Postal address

    Level 2, 35 Grey Street,
    Tauranga 3110


    07 987 2390

    Wellington Office

    Physical address

    Level 10, 342 Lambton Quay, Wellington 6011

    Postal address

    PO Box 11753, Manners Street, Wellington 6142


    04 830 8400

    Wānaka Office

    Physical address

    Level 1 / 19 Sir Tim Wallis Drive, Wānaka 9305

    Postal address

    PO Box 756,
    Wānaka 9343


    03 443 4695

    Christchurch Office

    Physical address

    Level 4, 151 Cambridge Terrace, Central City, Christchurch 8013

    Postal address

    PO Box 1277,
    Christchurch 8140


    03 962 4480

    Media Enquiries

    For media enquiries from journalists please call 0800 662 345.