Net Zero Power



At Net Zero Power, we help businesses switch to green energy. We offer renewable energy solutions to help our customers cut their energy costs and lower their carbon footprint.  With a range of funding options, Net Zero Power develop bespoke energy generation and storage solutions to help you achieve your business goals. 

green energy for businesses


At Net Zero Power we are not bound by any one technology or supplier. We pride ourselves on offering flexibility to our customers. The main technologies that we focus on are outlined below.

solar panels for businesses

Rooftop Solar PV

The most commonly deployed renewable technology today for businesses across the UK and across the globe is rooftop solar PV. Many businesses have dead space on their rooftop that they could be using to generate affordable electricity.
ground mounted solar for businesses

Ground Mounted Solar PV

If rooftop solar is not viable, ground mount solar PV can be an option. We will look at your building and your unique situation to find the best option for you. Solar panels reduce your energy bills freeing up more money to invest in other areas.
wind power for businesses

Wind Power

Another common source of renewable energy is wind energy. If your land is suitable for a wind turbine, this could be a great way to reduce your bills and your carbon footprint.
green hydrogen for businesses

Green Hydrogen

Hydrogen is the clean alternative to natural gas which is the traditional heating fuel for businesses. Green hydrogen is produced through electrolysis, which is powered by renewable electricity. It is an up and coming technology which is starting to gain traction in the UK with strong government support. We can use solar PV systems to power this green hydrogen and help you decarbonise even further.
battery energy storage systems for businesses

Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)

BESS technology allows companies to store any renewable electricity generated if more is being generated than used. This allows businesses to directly use more of their own generated green energy, delivering further savings and carbon footprint reductions.


Net Zero Power has three main selling points that set us apart from other energy solution providers.

green energy for businesses - net zero power are committed to even challenging projects

Committed To Finding Solutions

Our team is highly committed to finding the ideal solution for all of our clients. We are able to set up partnerships with various installers who can deliver different types of projects.
when it comes to green energy for businesses, net zero power leverage experience for results

Leverage Our Experience For Results

Years of experience means we can leverage our knowledge to gain consent for more complex situations. For example, >1MW rooftop systems or ground-mount schemes.
green energy for businesses - at net zero power there is an option for development only projects

Option For Development-Only Basis

We are more than happy to engage on a development-only basis for our clients, this is ideal for those who already have existing relationships with contractors that you wish to use.

how will i save money?

NetZero Power Graph New Colour

Before the price increases of the last 12 months, around two-thirds of your energy bills came from the costs of managing the energy networks, green levies, VAT and profits.

Over the last 18 months, it has been the rise of wholesale energy prices that has driven our energy costs up. This will likely continue into the near future. 

From summer 2021 to winter 2022 the global raw cost of the energy that we consume has increased by a factor of five. With energy suppliers being forced to pass these costs onto customers, these price increases are simply too dramatic to absorb. Take a look at the graph. 

Businesses that do not begin producing their own energy will continue to pay extortionate amounts due to global energy market increases. 


With recent technological developments, it has also never been cheaper to generate your own renewable energy.

Investing in green energy for your business now will not only save you money on your energy bills in the short term, but provide you energy security in the long term.

At Net Zero Power, we are perfectly positioned to help you navigate through what can be a daunting marketplace. 



Net Zero Power is a group company of Balance Power, a team that has been developing large-scale clean and low-carbon energy projects since the early 2000s. These projects have provided power to the electricity network and decarbonised supplies.

Balance Power’s utility-scale energy projects are complex, bringing together multiple parties such as landowners, local authorities, contractors, banks and other capital to deliver a robust project. The years of experience, project development knowledge and a culture of looking outside the box have delivered the best projects for all stakeholders resulting in a win-win for all parties.

We created Net Zero Power to bring clean energy projects directly to businesses, bypassing the grid and its additional costs. It is businesses who need cost-effective, clean, secure supplies more than ever to remain competitive in an ever-changing world.