Welcome to Pal Physiotherapy
Best Physiotherapy Clinic in Gurgaon
- 24+ Years of Experience
- 62,000+ Satisfied Patients
- Experts in our Field
- Highly skilled team
- Professionalism Care
- Patient-Focused
- Individually Tailored Care
- Personalized quality Care
- Most-effective health solutions

Why choose
PAL Physiotherapy
At PAL Physiotherapy, we are committed to provide modern and advanced physiotherapy services at affordable cost by our professional physiotherapist in Gurgaon. Our expert physiotherapist give proper physiotherapy treatment for problems like knee, join pain, back pain, shoulder pain, hip pain etc. Here are all expert physiotherapist present are available at PAL Physiotherapy. Dr. Rajesh Pal is one the best physiotherapist in Gurgaon who provide quality treatment to their patients.