Experts in Metal Roofing Toronto

№1 Punjab Roofing Company
in Toronto and GTA

  • High-Quality Metal Roofs
  • Experienced Roof Contractors
  • Fully licensed and insured
  • 50-year warranty

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    Residential Metal Roofing Company

    Punjab Metal Roofing has been providing premium metal roofing services to homeowners in Toronto and the GTA since 2015. As professional roofers, our team is well-versed in metal roof sourcing, manufacturing and installation, and has a solid track record of providing exceptional services. Our strength lies in our talented team of metal roofing contractors who have spent years perfecting their craft and possess extensive knowledge of house roofing. Every member of our stellar team is certified and driven to provide remarkable roofing services that squash the competition.

    From the very beginning, we’ve distinguished ourselves from our competitors through honesty, relentless dedication and superior quality. This is at the heart of everything we do. It’s important to us that our clients know that we care.
    We take pride in being a leader in metal roofing, and our attention to detail, outstanding customer service and reliable roofing solutions are highly rated.


    Why Install Metal Roof?

    One of the biggest benefits of metal roof installation is durability. Metal and steel roofs last for many years. It will withstand all types of weather conditions, it won’t burn, and is moisture and pest-resistant. Your new metal roof will also help to reduce your energy bill in the summer. Metal is environmentally friendly, costs less than many other types of materials, and can withstand extreme heat and cold.

    Once your metal roof is installed, it won’t get moulded and requires very little maintenance. They look fantastic and are available in a variety of colours and textures to give your home the look you really want at a fraction of the cost. Your metal roof won’t come apart in strong wind and it is far less likely to leak or get damaged by extreme weather or age.


    Metal Roof Benefits & Features

    Metal roofs have become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. They offer a range of benefits and features that make them an excellent choice for homeowners and businesses in Toronto.

    Metal roofs are extremely durable, with a lifespan of up to 50 years or more, which is significantly longer than traditional asphalt shingle roofs. They are also highly resistant to weather damage, including rain, wind, and hail. Metal roofs are also fire-resistant, which can provide peace of mind to homeowners and business owners alike.

    In addition to their durability and resistance to weather damage, metal roofs are also highly energy-efficient. They reflect sunlight and heat, which can help reduce cooling costs during the hot summer months. They are also environmentally friendly, as they can be made from recycled materials and are fully recyclable at the end of their lifespan.


    Durable & heavy duty

    Longevity – can last
    50+ years

    Improved Soundproofing

    Humidity Resistant & Rust-Proof



    Improved Ventilation

    Superior thermal

    Environmentally Friendly

    Variety of Color Options

    Increased Property Value

    Fast & Simple Installation

    Metal Roof Installation Process

    Our roof installers are experts in every step of the roofing process – from designing and planning your roof to sourcing materials and getting the job done. With their guidance, you can trust that your roof will be installed quickly, safely and up to code.

    Process steps
    • Preparation Work

      Preparing the roof involves cleaning the roof deck, repairing any damages and ensuring that it's level and structurally sound.

    • Roof Decking

      Installing metal roofing begins with correctly preparing the roof deck or sheathing, which is a foundational step in the process.

    • Metal Panels Installation

      Installing the metal panels involves cutting the metal panels to size, securing them to the roof deck using screws or other fasteners, and sealing the seams and edges to prevent water infiltration.

    Process bottom txt

    Installing a high-quality roof is essential for the construction of any home. Even if all other aspects are perfect, a poor roof installation can cause issues like continuous heat waves in summer, cold temperatures in winter and wet ceilings during any season. This is why it's so important to use only the best materials and experienced installers – to ensure that your roofing project is safe, secure and long-lasting.

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    Why Choose Us for Your Roof Installation


    While metal roofs do require a higher initial expense compared to traditional asphalt shingles, they are worth considering as a worthwhile investment. They provide long-term savings through energy efficiency (30% lower heating and cooling bills), increased home resale value, and do not require expensive repairs or replacement every 10 years. Thus, we can say that in the long run, a metal roof will cost less than asphalt shingles.

    Metal roofs can last between 50-70 years, significantly longer than asphalt shingles (15-20 years) and other common roofing materials.  Essentially, a metal roof can last at least 2 to 3 times longer than asphalt shingles and other common roofing materials.

    Noise from metal roofs is a common myth. In fact, properly installed metal roofing with a durable sheathing will minimize noise from rain or hail. In addition, steel roofs are highly resistant to extreme weather conditions and are UL2218 Class IV, indicating high resistance to hail damage. Metal roofs are also resistant to wind gusts of up to 220 km/h, heavy snowfalls, tornadoes, and even earthquakes.

    Yes, metal roofing is environmentally friendly, often made from recycled materials and is fully recyclable at the end of its life. Plus, a metal roof is ideal for installing solar panels, making your home as eco-friendly as possible.

    Estimates for metal roofing can vary based on the project. Punjab Metal Roofing offers competitive pricing starting from $4.99/sq. ft. and provides free quotes upon request.

    Advantages include longevity, durability, energy efficiency, light weight, environmental friendliness, and increased property value.

    For some people, the disadvantage of a metal roof is the higher initial cost. However, a financing plan with affordable monthly payments can solve this problem. In addition, in the long term, a metal roof does not require additional investments, maintenance, or repairs.

    Yes, metal roofs can often be installed over existing shingle roofs following proper preparation and assessment.

    The difference in price may be due to various factors, such as quality of materials, installation complexity, regional labour costs, and the specific requirements of the roofing project. In addition, sometimes unscrupulous roofers can skip such an important step as lumber sheathing, which reduces the cost of the project, but can lead to dire consequences.

    Yes, you can walk on a metal roof, but it should be done carefully and ideally in the presence of a professional or with guidance on safe walking points to avoid damaging the roof.

    Metal roofs don’t attract animals because they do not provide the organic materials that raccoons or squirrels seek for nesting or feeding.  In fact, metal roofs offer certain features that may be less appealing to animals compared to traditional roofing materials like wood or asphalt shingles.

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