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Food with Meaning

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New Organic Pastas from Allemandi

Maurizio Allemandi and his team at in Peidmont, truly believe that pasta making is an art and their passion shines through in high quality, flavorful pastas.

Makers of traditional pastas and filled tortellini, come with us on a delicious journey withAllemandi.

Maurizio grew up visiting his grandmother's trattoria - Vascello d’Oro (a trattoria that is still open in Carru today) where he learned that quality ingredients and a love for great food are the basis of Italian cuisine.  After traveling the world as a chef, Maurizio returned home in 2005 to make pasta using only local ingredients and the same artisan techniques from his nonna.

Today, his operation is proud to use solar-powered drying and modern equipment, while keeping the traditional Piemonte spirit of his pasta alive.

Try the latest additions to the Allemandi line and save for a limited time!

Save 15% on Allemandi Pastas with code "pasta"
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