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School of Language International
Singapore’s Best-Reviewed Language Centre For Chinese and English Languages
About Singapore’s Top English Language School
Thinking of perfecting your English by enrolling in an English course in Singapore, or simply interested in picking up Mandarin or other new languages in the best language school?
School of Language International (SLI) connects people with learning opportunities and provides you with serious but fun learning experiences in Singapore! Backed by professional teachers and structured lessons, we will make sure you achieve your goal of learning a new language. Our most popular courses are English courses, Chinese courses, French courses, and Japanese courses. Whether you are learning for professional development or simply looking for an incredible life experience, this is the best place to start!
Experienced and Energetic Teachers
Small Classes with Lots of Individual Attention
Conveniently Located Near MRT Station
High Rate of Returning Students
Affordable School Fees
We nurture and support our students in every step of their language learning journey at our school.
Our Testimonials


I’m very grateful to all of you, my dear classmates, my beloved English teacher and SLI team, I hope that our friendship extends over time and we have more stories together to treasure in our hearts. Thank you SLI!

The structure of the classes and size is suitable for learning. I booked an intensive everyday course for 4 weeks, 3 days of grammar and 2 days of conversation training per week. Our grammar teacher Chantal used games to practice grammar. For me, it was very good to remember the grammar rules. The conversation teacher…


Hi, 我叫张丽,来自中国成都,今年6月来到新加坡。因为英语很糟糕,语言障碍阻碍了我更好的融入新加坡,所以我选择了新加坡国际语言学校学习英语。最初上课还有点紧张与担心,但过了一段时间的学习之后,我已经爱上了这所学校,大家都是那么的友好。这里有专业而且幽默的外教老师,有来自不同国家的同学,学习氛围轻松愉快,而且现在我的英语听,说,读,写能力都有了显著提高。还有一点我很喜欢的是,学校紧邻Tanjong Pagar 地铁站,交通方便,而且还在市中心,学习逛街两不误。非常推荐!

This is the best English school I have studied. After 3 months of English speaking class, I have no more fear of speaking English in public. The best is I started to enjoy chatting with strangers in Singapore, and getting to know more about this tropical country. Thank you SLI team!

Great Chinese language teachers and very helpful management! We are moved to online classes while the circuit breaker is in place and it’s been working well. The school has also been helpful in accommodating our schedules. (Review from Google)
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I didn’t know online Mandarin lessons could be so fun and engaging. It’s so clear and close, which allow me to see my teacher’s facial movement in details. With shared screen, chat box and white board used in the Mandarin lesson, I won’t miss any skill points, and can get myself corrected immediately. Good job…
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Thank you for giving us a great opportunity of taking English lessons in Singapore. It was an excellent experience for me and my daughter. We will come back again next summer 🙂

I spent 8 weeks doing the Intensive Conversational English course and it really helped me to improve my English and talk more confidently with others. The teachers are very friendly and happy to help with correcting pronunciation and phrase. The classes are small, so there is a lot of chances to speak and the learning…

I had fun learning mandarin…all the staff and my teacher were very very nice! highly recommend 🙂

I would like to thank Jennifer, Sam, Keith and the entire team. You guys are AMAZING. I have improved my English so much. Thanks for transforming my life …

先生は東アジアの人々に英語を教える経験が豊富です。 だから彼は私たちの話す習慣をよく知っています。 これまでのところ、彼は子供たちに英語を教えてくれたので、英語も話せません。 私はこのクラスを本当に楽しんでいます。

The class structure is a relaxed environment that helps me feel comfortable enough to use practice the English Language. The location of the school allows me to be able work my full time. I can make it to class on time.

The school location is very good. Teachers are very helpful and kind. We recommend School of Language International.

I have achieved my targeted TOEIC score within the short time. I’m very satisfied with my TOEIC preparation lessons and the school.

Very fun lessons & everyone in the school is very friendly…. I have improved my English speaking skills!

I am amased at how quickly I was able to understand and communicate with locals outside the classroom….

Teacher Keith is very helpful and he is very patient with me. I learn many various English expressions and they are really useful, helpful. I want to recommend this language school to my friends and want to bring my children too. Thanks you so much.

Convenient of classes and courses are good….

The school location is very good. Teachers are very helpful and kind. We recommend School of Language International….

The class structure is a relaxed environment that helps me feel comfortable enough to use practice the English Language….

The teachers have plenty of experience with teaching English to East Asian people. So he is well aware of our speaking habit, I really like this course. 我的老师有丰富的教学经验,很擅长教亚洲人英语,所以他很清楚我们的说话习惯。我真的很喜欢这个课。

I enjoyed a discussion in class. And because my purpose is to have experience of listening/speaking English. It was good for me. 我很喜欢课堂上的讨论环节,因为我的学习目的是提高英语语听说的能力, 这对我帮助很大。

Thank You very much. I study English & Mandarin at Language International. I can say that I really enjoy learning at…

I am amased at how quickly I was able to understand and communicate with locals outside the classroom.The Chinese class is practical and fun. The teacher is very good at adapting the course material to each student’s level. The location of the school is very convenient

I really enjoy Conversational English with Cher. I especially have a lot of opportunity to speak. My teacher always corrects my grammar and pronuncitation when needed.It helps me a lot to improve speaking accurately and fluently.There is another big pleasure to share various cultural things with my classmates from all over the world. It is…

I really enjloy coming to School of Language International. All the teachers are enthusiastic and my classmates from all over the world are so nice. The location is very good.

I have been studing the General English course for three months and I have to say that my English really improved. The price is competitive and the location very atractive. The classes are well taught and learning with other international students is very interesting.I highly recommend this School of Language International.

I studied Conversational English with Cruiz. My teacher always gives me lots of corrections about my pronunciation and grammar mistakes. He is also a good listener. I strongly reccoment teachers at School of Language International. And the school location is very convenient.

I am taking General English and I really enjoy studying with my patient teacher at School of Language International.Location is very good too. Thank you.

School of Language International に通って1年以上になりますが、この教室で英語&中国語を続けているのは 先生もスタッフも親身に対応してくれるからです。授業外でも質問に対し納得いくまで説明してくれます。 最初は英語に抵抗があり会話はストレスでしたが、今ではクラスメートと楽しく会話する事ができとても満足しています。

I have achieved my targetted TOEIC score within the short time. I’m very satiasfied with my TOEIC prepration lessons and the school.

I am studying Mandarin as customized lesson at School of Language International. I really like my teacher and school. My teacher is really professional and well prepared for every lesson. Now I can have presentation in Chinese language with my clients from China. Thank you and I reccomend this language school.

School makes learning interesting. The school is very professional. They take things seriously and are very professional. Learning Chinese at Language International was made really interesting.Thank you.

The school and class were bothvery fun and interesting. Everybody was very friendly and I am glad I took Chinese class here at School of Language International. I really like the lessons we learn because they are really useful and fun. It really is a great experience.

I think classes are organized very well. School is very clean and nice to study. It is a great place to study. The teachers explain and pronounce very clearly. And all the school staff are very kind and lovely.

Classrooms are clean and comfortable. The class size is good, as we all get sufficient attention from the teacher and have opportunitied to practice conversing in Mandarin with each other. All school staff and my teacher are extremely friendly and helpful. Thank you.

Not only is the lesson fee reasonable but the class is informative , so I’m very satisfied. It’s always fun to go to school as the class, teachers and the staff are nice. 授業料が良心的な上に、毎回学びがとても多くて本当に満足しています! 先生やスタッフの方、クラスの雰囲気も良くて通うのがとても楽しいです。

First of all, teahers are very enthusiastic and I always learn something new so I felt drawn to the lesson.The school is close to bus stops and MRT station so it’s easy to go.

It was a great experience and I have learned so much form all my teachers….

I think the school allowed me to learn the basics and help me to get better. I liked all my lessons and teachers. …

Teachers are very friendly and the school is well organized….

首先很重要的一点,是我为什么在新加坡选择了这间学校:网络评论教学质量良好,教学收费比较合理(算是最合理的了)。然后进校后就是我的切身感受了,学校地理位置不错(就在地铁出口大楼,不用担心迷方向了),交通便捷,环境非常好;教学顾问们(班主任)给予我在异乡极少感觉到的温暖和热情 ,每次上课下课始终洋溢着微笑欢迎及欢送,学习和生活上遇到问题也帮助积极沟通,解决;教学上,老师们都很专业,教学经验丰富,各具教学特色,知识渊博,让我意识到终身继续学习的必要性,并且因材施教,让每个不同国家的学生都能够尽量展现自身的特点,学习达到最大化。

I loved all my courses and teachers here. If possible, I wish I’ll come back to this school to continue my learning three to six months later.

I loved studying at school of language international because it helped me a lot with my English and the teacher is very caring and friendly. Thank you 🙂

Thank you for everything! Thanks to your school and teacher I was able to enjoy my lessons and improve a lot….

I am amased at how quickly I was able to understand and communicate with locals outside the classroom.The Chinese class ..