20+ Years Experience
Specialist UPVC Windows
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uPVC Windows is a leading supplier and installer of windows and doors in the UK.
Our company works to provide uPVC window frames, windows, and doors to clients across the country and offers an excellent service. We specialise in uPVC windows which are one of the most popular types of window frames out there because they are durable and modern.
We have worked in this industry for many years and, over this time, have seen a change in what customers want and strive to meet these needs every time. One thing that has always remained the same, however, is the customer’s demand for quality products, a good style range, and the great customer service which we provide.
As specialists in uPVC windows, we can meet all needs. Not only does our team supply our made to measure uPVC window frames and glass, but we also offer an excellent installation service for quality assurance. Our windows can be made using double or triple glazing to suit your needs, and we have a great range of options for everyone.
Made-to-measure uPVC windows offer many benefits to the home, and we have the right frames for everyone in March 2025.
If you are interested in the work we do and want to learn more, do not hesitate to get in touch with the team today.
We are a specialist uPVC window company that is based in the UK and serve clients across the nation who are looking for better options when it comes to their windows and doors.
Our company works to provide the best uPVC windows and doors to clients across the nation, offering made to measure frames and a range of glass panel options. We work to provide replacement uPVC windows to properties across the country, which will instantly enhance the temperature in your home without increasing energy bills.
While we have been providing a uPVC windows supply for many years, we have seen an increase in demand for replacement windows and new windows in all regions to combat the rising energy bills.
Our uPVC windows offer a range of benefits due to their high thermal efficiency as they are fitted with double glazing or triple glazing, preventing cold air from entering the home and keeping temperatures warm. This is not the only benefit our windows can bring, but this is certainly a reason to consider getting uPVC window frames throughout your home.
We provide made to measure windows and doors to all clients, installing them to the appropriate standards and ensuring a cost-effective service every time.
Our company provides the best types of uPVC windows available in November 2022 at an extremely high quality.
We supply and install uPVC double glazed windows to clients of all sizes and requirements across the UK. Our team will work with you from the design of your DIY uPVC windows until the installation is completed to ensure the best service.
uPVC Windows continues to be a leading supplier of new windows and doors in the UK, working in all regions to provide double glazed windows, triple glazing, and modern frames to all properties. We offer all uPVC window styles to suit every home and will work to meet building regulations in all areas.
We can guarantee outstanding quality for our products every time and have window styles to suit everyone. You can check out our uPVC windows online for the full range and we will gladly provide the made to measure version of whatever you choose.
Our company offers one of the widest ranges of made to measure uPVC windows in the country, so you have come to the right place.
We have been working in uPVC windows supply for over 15 years and continue to be a leading company in the UK for this service.
During this time, we have supplied made to measure uPVC windows to all kinds of clients in every region, helping people improve their homes and reduce energy bills. You can find our modern uPVC windows in a range of facilities across the country as we work with businesses, residential homes, and many more.
With this much experience, we understand what our customers need from us, which is why we not only supply made to measure windows but also offer a range of frame styles and glazing options. We know that every property has unique needs, which is why we offer triple and double glazed windows, various coloured uPVC windows, and frame choices.
We can provide windows that are energy efficient and attractive all year round, no matter where you are based.
Due to our experience, we have a great understanding of the latest building regulations and can provide windows to all properties, even those in a conservation area, to suit the needs of the property. Whether you are looking for cheap uPVC windows to replace your old ones or something more special to suit your period property, we can help.
You can check out our uPVC windows online to see the full range and the various options we have available.
We are a fully accredited uPVC window company, offering expert installation and the largest supply of double glazed windows in the UK.
All of our team is certified in installation, ensuring we can work on any property and provide a full range of windows to our doors. We offer both window frame and glass installation, providing double glazing and triple glazing to suit all specifications and improve thermal efficiency.
We work to excellent quality and can ensure this every time.
If you are interested in the work we do, please get in touch with the customer service team for your free quotation appointment. We can provide an accurate quotation for all services and provide made to measure windows.
We have an entire range of uPVC windows to suit all needs, offering both double glazing and triple glazing with every frame.
We understand that each home or property has its own needs, which is why we have such a huge range of uPVC windows and doors on offer. From modern uPVC windows to traditional frames, we have something for everyone, and all our coloured options such as Chartwell Green, white and Anthracite Grey uPVC windows if requested.
Our full range of windows includes the following styles:
Casement windows are one of the oldest styles of window but continue to be a popular option with our clients across the nation. uPVC casement windows are attached to their frames by one or more hinges, which will then open outwards.
The panes of casement windows are held together using a casement stay, which is where the name comes from, but they can also apply to just two panes that open outwards.
Casement windows can be found on properties across the country and offer a traditional, cottage appearance to homes which may be required by your local building regulations.
We install this kind of window to meet the highest window energy ratings, and we can provide both double glazing or triple glazing, based on your requirements and to increase thermal efficiency.
uPVC casement windows may be a good choice for you if you are looking for a traditional appearance that still offers the durability, versatility, and energy efficiency required for modern homes.
uPVC flush windows are the perfect combination of modern technology and traditional style, ensuring they can suit a range of properties.
Flush uPVC windows get this name by being installed flush against the wall of properties, meaning no joins can be seen and there are no protruding parts. This is why these modern uPVC windows are so versatile, as they suit all building regulations and, based on the colour options you choose, can fit in with period properties too.
This kind of uPVC window is commonly found in new-build properties because of its benefits, but they are used elsewhere in the UK as well. These are traditionally double glazed, but we can offer triple glazing if this is required.
We have a range of colour options and finishes for your uPVC flush windows, ensuring they fit in with your home while also offering the thermal efficiency you require.
uPVC bay windows are the complete opposite of flush windows because they do extend from the property. Bay windows are an arrangement of three or more individual panes which are joined in a projection.
Bay uPVC windows come in a variety of arrangement shapes, and we will install them to suit the needs of your property, both the interior and externally.
Many benefits come from this kind of uPVC window, including the fact they look great both internally and externally on all kinds of properties. They provide maximum light to your home while also being energy efficient.
They will extend the property and create a focal point at the front of the home, but this kind of uPVC window can also create additional space indoors, which can be used for decorating or creating a relaxing space to read and watch the world go by.
We have various window colours for this kind of uPVC window, ensuring we can suit all needs.
These new uPVC windows offer all the same benefits as uPVC casement windows, but they are designed to provide a larger opening. They can open inwards, whether this is fully hinged or simply tiling inwards, to provide ventilation to the home and remain secure.
Tilt and turn windows are suitable for all kinds of properties but are commonly used as new uPVC windows because they have a modern appearance and offer the secure ventilation required in central areas.
When closed, these windows can provide added peace to the home by reducing noise and keeping more heat in. However, with the tilt and turn opening, these uPVC windows allow for secure ventilation and are ideal for all-year use.
With a similar opening to casement windows, these uPVC windows are ideal for period or traditional properties due to their style.
Although they are installed in uPVC, this window comes in a range of finishes, including wood grain, to suit the exterior of any property and help maintain the character of your home.
These double glazed windows are easy to open and offer a lot of natural light into the home while also being energy efficient.
uPVC sliding sash windows are designed to slide up and down like a traditional wooden window but offer the benefits that the modern house requires.
As they are made to be double glazed or triple glazed windows, uPVC sliding sash windows are rated highly for energy efficiency and have multiple panes of glass to prevent heat loss. They also help to keep the home warm by trapping a lot of natural light due to the large panes of glass that are used for this kind of window.
To open the glass window, the pane simply needs to slide upwards. It is possible to get a door to match this style, all of which come in the same finish, to provide a complete home renovation.
All of these windows can be found on our website, and you can buy online. We have various window colours on offer, ensuring there is something for everyone, and we aim to meet all needs.
As well as offering finishes for our window and door frames, we also have different types of glass that you can choose for each frame. Whether you want double glazed windows or triple glazing, we can help, as most of our frames accommodate both.
You can create DIY uPVC windows on our website as all our windows and door frames are made to measure. All of our windows are internally beaded for added security and can be customised to suit your needs.
Get in touch with us today to learn more and see how we can help.
As a leading uPVC window and door company, we have seen a great increase in demand for these over the years.
When people are looking for new windows, they are not just looking to get the glass replaced but also ensure they have a secure frame to last for many years. This is why we offer double glazed uPVC windows as standard, and these can be customised to suit your needs.
If you are still unsure of whether our windows are the right choice for you, check out the following benefits that uPVC windows provide:
High energy rating
uPVC windows are renowned for their energy efficiency, and this is what makes them ideal replacement windows on your property. When you are searching for new windows and doors, you should always check the window energy ratings which are given as standard across the UK.
All our double glazed uPVC windows and doors have an A energy rating as standard.
This means having this kind of window and door frame installed at home can help reduce your heating bills, as they retain heat and prevent cold air from coming in.
We all know that double glazed windows offer a better energy rating, but this is made even more impressive when it is combined with uPVC frames because they are weather resistant and non-conductive.
Low maintenance
uPVC window and door frames are excellent quality and are low maintenance, which means it is easy to keep your home looking great at all times.
Due to the synthetic materials, it is easy to keep uPVC window and door frames clean, even if this is paired with obscure glass for the double glazing. You can clean any window or door made from uPVC using warm soapy water, and they will not need to be repainted.
This applies to all the window colours we offer, whether this is Anthracite Grey uPVC or the standard white uPVC. You will find that our window colours do not fade over time and with cleaning.
Unlike when working with timber, warm soapy water is safe to use on both the uPVC and glass of our windows, which means you can keep them clean all year long without additional expense.
Thermally efficient
As well as being renowned for their energy efficiency, all our uPVC windows and door frames offer high levels of thermal efficiency.
With this kind of window installed at home, you will see that your heating bills decrease because heat becomes trapped in the house and it takes less to keep the place warm. Not only is uPVC a non-conductive material within itself, but we also ensure that every window we install is double glazed as standard.
We can also offer triple glazing if this is required, but double glazed uPVC is still the most common option we provide.
Triple glazing includes another layer of glass, as well as an insulating layer of argon gas to trap heat and maintain temperatures.
Reduces noise pollution
Due to their thick frames and glass panes, you will find that your home is a lot quieter when you have this kind of window installed throughout.
While each window can be opened uniquely, based on the style you choose for your home, once they are closed, you will not hear anything from outside, which can bring more peace to the home and improve sleep. This is a standard feature in all modern uPVC windows, and we can guarantee that our windows fit this need.
High security
Every modern uPVC window is fully fitted with security measures, such as internal beading, to keep your home safe at all times.
All our windows lock from the inside and the glass is durable to prevent breakage.
All of our window and door frames come in varying colours. It is common for these to be in white uPVC, but we do offer coloured uPVC windows in varying finishes to suit all needs.
When browsing our website, you will see all frames displayed as white uPVC, but this can be customised. The colours we have on offer include:
Chartwell Green uPVC windows
Anthracite Grey uPVC windows
Woodgrain uPVC windows of varying shades
White uPVC windows
We also have dual colours on offer, most of which include white uPVC, which will be combined with another colour such as Chartwell green or Anthracite grey woodgrain for your double glazed window frame to offer a unique appearance to the home.
There are many reasons why you may request a different colour for your window and door frames. While white uPVC is common and can suit any kind of property, people want to stand out, which is why we have varying options.
Anthracite grey uPVC windows, for example, are very popular at the moment. You will commonly find Anthracite grey uPVC windows being used as replacement uPVC windows on all kinds of properties because they offer a modern appearance.
Changing the colour of your window will also help the property stand out in the sea of wood or white uPVC windows, which are commonly installed as a default across the country.
You can see the whole range of our window colours and finishes by viewing our uPVC windows online.
These finishes can be used for any double glazed units, window or door frame and we aim to meet all requirements.
The average cost of double glazed uPVC windows in the UK is between £2,200 and £4,000 per household.
There are various factors that can influence the cost of your window installation, including:
number of windows
size of each window
location in the UK
any building regulations in place
window colours
glass type and size
For example, choosing double glazed windows in Anthracite Grey uPVC will cost more than a timber window frame, but the benefits will outweigh this decision.
We can offer an accurate quote for all of our windows, so do not hesitate to get in touch with the team today to see how we can help.
The following are uPVC window FAQs we experience as a leading installation company:
There are several areas to consider when getting uPVC windows for the first time.
While there are some stylistic choices to make, such as the window colours and style, it is important to check whether the window has an A energy rating to ensure they will offer the benefits you are looking for.
Most double glazed windows should offer this energy rating so it is easy to find.
A uPVC window can last many years as they are durable and secure.
This kind of window is designed to withstand all weather conditions and is low maintenance, meaning it is a great option for most homes.
This kind of window is made from Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride for the frame and glass for the panes.
You will find that uPVC is commonly used for doors and windows, whereas PVC is used for fencing. This is because PVC is softer and contains toxic compounds which makes it unsuitable for a window frame.
uPVC is more durable and long-lasting than PVC, although both are weather-resistant.
If you are wanting to reduce your heating bills or want to improve your home, then you have come to the right place. Our team are ready to help and continue to serve the UK.
As a leading window supplier and installation company, we can help with any need and specialise in the uPVC window field. We help you improve your home with our windows.
To learn more about our services or request your consultation, do not hesitate to get in touch with the team today.
Make sure you contact us today for a number of great uPVC windows.
We absolutely love the service provided. Their approach is really friendly but professional. We went out to five different companies and found UPVC Windows to be value for money and their service was by far the best. Thank you for your really awesome work, we will definitely be returning!
Tom HendersonWe have used UPVC Windows for many years as they are certainly the best in the UK. The attention to detail and professional setup is what makes this company our go-to company for all our work. I highly recommend the team for the immense work - we highly recommend them!
Logan GrantFor more information on uPVC windows, fill in the contact form below to receive a free quote today.
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