With a combined 35 years experience in the cannabis industry the founders of Full Tilt bring a special kind of flair to the Oklahoma Cannabis Market! Knowing that Oklahoma cannabis laws were written in a way that provided a unique opportunity. The founders all came together and developed a plan. OKLAHOMA was the wild west for cannabis and everyone was jumping in headfirst. Thousands of growers needed processing and they needed professional extraction services for the endless supply of product being grown. Having had extremely successful cannabis businesses in California and Washington, Full Tilt was there from the beginning to meet that need. Quickly becoming one of the states most sought after processors for BHO products. It didn’t take long for Full Tilt to realize that there was a way to bring all segments of the industry together under one organization.
177 N Dean St #250 Englewood, New Jersey 07631 United States
10033 S Roberts Rd A Palos Hills, Illinois 60465 United States