Listings » Home Repair & Improvement
Expert Surfacing in Los Angeles CA brings the best industrial experience and knowledge to your project.
Expert Surfacing offers preferred solutions for commercial or industrial waterproofing, decking, and decorative coating needs. Our services include coating resurfacing, traffic coating epoxy, polyurethane garage floor coating, metallic epoxy, flakes systems, solid color systems, quartz coating, epoxy resurfaces, metallic reflective epoxy, polished concrete, urethane mortar flooring, concrete sealers, stained concrete chemical-resistant flooring, decorative flooring, microtopping cement, anti-slip flooring, and shot blasting.
With IHC GROUP, our clients receive protective coatings that shield surfaces from daily wear and tear damage. We provide advanced waterproofing solutions, offering various protective, textured, and decorative options for different applications.
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