Our Fort Worth Criminal Defense Attorneys and DWI Lawyers at The Fulgham Law Firm are here to make sure you are treated fairly and have a clear plan of action to get your life back. Our legal team of criminal lawyers has over 70+ years of criminal law experience and over 300+ jury trials in Texas. Our criminal lawyers have a proactive approach that provides a track record of dismissals, no-bills and not guilty verdicts. The Fulgham Law Firm legal team approach provides you 5 Former Prosecutors with expertise in matters ranging from Theft to Murder. We know how prosecutors think and what they will do on your case. Our team of criminal lawyers will analyze your case and give you a clear plan of defense to protect your future.
1761 Fillmore St San Francisco, California 94115 United States
Serving Around Binghamton, New York 13905 United States
10610 Metromont Pkwy Ste 205, Charlotte, NC Charlotte, North Carolina 28269 United States
445 South Figueroa Street, Suite 3116 Los Angeles, California 90071 United States