Heartwood Recovery - Austin Drug Rehab & Sober Living specializes in high-quality, evidence-based addiction treatment for men in Austin, TX. Our residential treatment center is dedicated to fostering lasting recovery through a comprehensive approach that focuses on achieving sobriety. We offer specialized alcohol and drug rehab programs that include addiction counseling, 12-step immersion, rehab fitness programs, and more. Located in the heart of Austin, Heartwood Recovery is committed to ending the suffering of men struggling with alcoholism and drug addiction. Our goal is to provide a supportive environment that empowers individuals to achieve, maintain long-term recovery and guide you or your loved one on the path to a healthier, sober life.
2702 Tampa Rd, Palm Harbor, FL 34684 Palm Harbor, Florida 34684 United States
Level 2/660 Canterbury Rd Surrey Hills, Victoria 3127 Australia
2448 Guerneville Rd #1000 Santa Rosa California Santa Rosa, California 95403 United States
We offer a range of online therapy service programs tailored to address various mental health concerns, including anxiety, depression, anger management, and bipolar disorder.