Scott Sweeney, REALTOR | - M&M Real Estate

Open Now
9468 Laguna Creek Drive
Elk Grove, California 95624 United States

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Scott Sweeney is a top 5% producing Realtor in the greater Sacramento area. Scott has a Bachelor Of Science in Business Administration, with a concentration in Marketing from CSUS. His education, and extensive background in the hospitality, marketing, and real estate industries, have helped Scott to become one of the leading, and most sought-after a real estate agent in Elk Grove, Sacramento, California. Reach out to SweeneySells today, and take the first step towards your real estate goals!


Opening Hours

Mon 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Tue 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Wed 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Thu 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Fri 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Sat 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Sun 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM


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