Shoreline Acupuncture is a private acupuncture practice which specializes in reducing neck, back, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, ankle and foot pain. We use multiple diagnostic methods including Traditional Chinese Medicinal tongue and pulse, Korean Kyojung, and Western orthopedic tests in order to differentiate your areas of concern. Medical massage is also available, along with modalities such as cupping, moxibustion, and guasha if indicated. We pride ourselves in providing individual attention at each treatment in order to “correct the structure, correct the meridians and correct your health.
1 Edgewater Drive, suite 202 Norwood, Massachusetts 02062 United States
Mental Health Clinic
7255 East Broadway Road Mesa, Arizona 85208 United States
175 Kinderkamack Road Park Ridge, NJ 07656 Park Ridge, New Jersey 07656 United States
1200 K St Sacramento California 95814 California City, California 95814 United States