Located in the heart of Boston, MA, UltraFix Appliance Repair, LLC is a trusted provider of high-quality appliance repair services. With a commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, we specialize in diagnosing and fixing a wide range of household appliances, including refrigerators, ovens, dishwashers, washers, dryers, and more.
7210 Broadway Ext Suite 101, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 United States
11069 W Flamingo Ave Nampa, Idaho 83651 United States
serving Elmhurst, Illinois 60106 United States
104 S Apollo St, Alda, Nebraska , United States Lincoln, Nebraska 68810 United States
5924 104 St NW Edmonton, Alberta T6H 2K3 Canada
141 crescent road San Anselmo, California 94960 United States
9787 Clifford Dr Dallas, Texas 75220 United States